

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Cure

We have this amazing group of moms at City of Grace I have had the privilege of spending some time with the past few weeks.They are your next door neighbor, the woman across from you at the Starbucks counter,they may be in your PTA or the soccer mom who brought oranges to last weeks game. They are every mom and they are absolutely ordinary and they are doing extraordinary things for the God they love. They love one another and care for one another in such a way that if you looked up the word community in the dictionary I would not be surprised to see a picture of their group.

I have been spending time with this Group (Moms of the City) on a weekly basis to facilitate a study called "The Cure" by John Lynch, Bruce McNicol and Bill Thrall. It is a rewrite of a book that radically rocked my world about 10+ years ago. It put into words perfectly how I saw the precious gift of grace. With boldness the authors proclaim that not only can we live our life defined by Gods view of us, we must live out of that viewpoint. Any other way of thinking is counter to the Gospel of Jesus. When we live out of that definition we transform into the very image of the one who created us. We can reach into a hurting and dieing world and bring the Hope that is so desperately needed, with  authenticity and vulnerability

Our Moms of the City are learning to trust God and each other with who they are. They are real and vulnerable and they (just like all of us if we admit it) are coming with their "stuff." But because this group is a place of Grace they are finding safety to become who God says they are.I am so excited because this is the very heart of who God is for us and this is how we "Love People to Life"

This study is who we are as women at City of Grace. We are going to be offering this study on our Scottsdale campus in our women's Thursday evening lifegroup. It too is a group of women who welcome with open arms all the ordinary women who love an extraordinary God. Whether you are just beginning your journey with Jesus or you have known him for a long time you are welcome here. Come learn to trust God and others with who you really are.

For more info on the book and the group or to order the book and work book

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